Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Idle Sketches

Hello folks!
The sketches above were done today, using Pilot hi-tec pens.
The first one was done during an idle time at the college. It's a view from the teachers' lounge.
The second one was done during a figure drawing exam. The students were drawing and I was sketching. I sketched the second one standing up, without anything close by to lean on. That's why the lines are a little messed up. I also made a mistake while drawing the hand, then I drew a more accurate hand afterwards (still sketchy nonetheless).
It was kinda hard to sketch standing but still fun.
Anyways, I just wanted to update the blog.
Thanks for all your support, comments are always appreciated.


Mauro Salgado said...

Fala Douglas!
Consegui finalizar a ilustra, mas me atrapalhei no processo...
Tô curtindo os seus sketchs!

Um abraço! (concordo, um é suficiente ¬¬ rs)

CelinaK said...

Ae, Douglas!
Meu... preciso treinar sketches com caneta... os seus estão mto bons, com personalidade nos traçados! Caneta deixa a expressão do gesto evidente, né?! Se a gente pensa em alguma coisa no momento q tá desenhando uma parte, ele fica impresso... (é engraçado... por isso é difícil).

Ah! Sexta eu consegui terminar, na correria, pra variar, a minha Demoreel!!! UHUUU!!!
Passa no meu blog pra dar uma conferida e comentada, por favor!!!


Noble Beeyotch said...

i cloud at the details in these all day!!!