I'm glad to announce that Sarah de Godoy, of KAIROS, has awarded a Premio Dardos (Dardos Award) to this Illustration blog.
"The Dardos Award is given for recognition of cultural, literary, and personal values transmitted in the form of creative and original writing. These stamps were created with the intention of promoting fraternization between bloggers, a way of showing affection and gratitude for work that adds value to the web."
What I had to do after taking a little time to feel good about myself was: to pass the award to another 15 blogs that (in my modest opinion) are "worthy of this acknowledgement".
Based on the definition of the award, after a lot of pondering, I chose the following blogs:
- KAIROS (right back at ya, Sarah)
- Avelino
- Lost Mauro
- Crumbim
- Afterthoughts
- Minuta
- All Alone in Watchtower
- Desenhos de Observação
- Edde Wagner
- Brucke Caribe
- Nevarez
- Sketcheria
- Weberson Santiago
- Today's Inspiration
- O Ornitorrinco Canastrão
For those whom I passed along the Award, congrats! And feel free to follow the directions below:
• First, accept the award by posting it on your blog along with the name of the person that has granted the award and link to her blog.
• Second pass the award to another 15 blogs that are worthy of this acknowledgment, remembering to contact each of them to let them know they have been selected for this award.
Thanks for stopping by, guys. That'll be all for this post.
Oy Douglas!
Muito obrigado pela escolha! De verdade!
Tou bem ocupado com faculdade e a Aduge agora, mas vou me lembrar de postar a minha lista assim que possível!
Aliás, Marcelo te passou o blog da Aduge?
E por falar nele, o maluco foi morar no Rio de Janeiro no fim das contas!
Oh hell! Thanks for the award my master!
E cadê a cervejada? Vamô junta a galera pra encher a cara!
que bom que vc gostou, douglas!!!
homenagear os amigos é sempre bom!
e ACHO que é daquele jeito mesmo que escreve... uhauahuahu!
pode mandar os handouts por e-mail sim!
Muito obrigado pela indicação!! Todo elogio vindo do "senhor" (você)é motivador!Vou fazer minha lista em breve! obrigado! Você conhece o "Panorama"? dá uma olhada lá no blog!abraço pra toda família!
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