Wednesday, July 08, 2009

My son my Hero

Hello folks, the sketches above were drawn this afternoon.
They're (obviously) from photographs since it's really really hard to get my son to sit still.
When he finally gets to sleep, I'm so exhausted I find myself sleeping as well. It's hard to keep up with him, thankfully he has too much energy.
I'm still trying to find where his "off" switch is. So far no progress. Even a "snooze" button would help.
The one where the "K" is visible on his chest is OK but I think I made him a little older than he actually is.
Anyway, he's the main reason and the inspiration behind my work.
That's why I have to keep working harder and harder.
Thanks for looking.


Stef said...

kkkk, fofo, principalmente ele olhando pra trás! Obrigada pelo comment e quanto aos programas, eu já experimentei os dois, são bem legais mesmo. Tem uns testes deles em alguns post mais antigos lá do blog, se tiver um tempo de dar uma fuçada, vc acha! kkkkk
Ainda preciso experimentar mais e fico um um pé atrás quanto a qualidade impressa das artes feitas nesses programas...preciso fazer testes. Aprendi a trabalhar controlando as cores de forma diferente, mais "caretinha", então, agora que estou me rebelando. Mas tive um bom resultado com o painter, agora vamos ver com os outros! kkkkk

Lady Cupcake said...

ohnnnn q fofos o pai e o filho,
suuuper kevin amei rs
bjus teacher

Katarina Kühl ~ PencilFashion said...

thanks so much for having me on your blog!

again, such a wonderful sketch!

Unknown said...

Demais! hahaha! ele deve tá enorme! já tá usando os poderes ;)

Paula M. Urbinati said...

Que gracinhaa!!
Admiro muito pais que se importam desse jeito com os filhos...

parabéns pelo herói! Ele está lindo!
