Sunday, August 23, 2009

Early XMas Sketch and Tv Sketches

Hello folks, how are you doing?
I watched some DVDs this weekend and decided to sketch a little. For those who follow the show - yes, the sketches on the left page are from Comedy Central's "RENO911". I just bought the 5th season. Funny stuff, man. Funny stuff.
On the right side, there's a XMAS sketch (I know it's a bit early for that). Maybe I'll paint it digitally and send out as a XMAS Card.
Thanks for stopping by and for putting up with all the nonsense.


Stef said...

Pobre Papai noel kkkkkk

Stef said...

Valeu pelo comment!


E ae Doug, gosto muito desse seus sketchs em alto contraste com a bicpretam sensacional fella!

Mauro Salgado said...

Hello man!
valeu pela força, vou continuar a fazer o projeto (mesmo estando beeeem desmotivado a terminar...).

Tô curtindo esses sketeches, o Leandro comentou que vc ta afim de fazer modelagem, vc conhece o Wesley Iguti que da aula na Quanta? O cara manda bem! da uma olhada depois:
