Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Not a very good day

Hello everyone!
This was supposed to be a quick painting of a friend of mine, Mikael, but I screwed it up (sorry about that Mikael). You know... good days and bad days. Although I lost his likeness I still like the way this one turned out. I spent about 40 minutes on this one.
Thanks for stopping by.


Miwa and Mikael said...

"Not a very good day" of-course what do you expect? When you do a painting of me, your whole day is going to be fucked up. He he he.

Nice one Dude! It look really good.

end. said...

Hey bro!
I liked this "photoshop sequence", they look really really good.
Man... I'm very very busy nowadays, because I got a job (doing graphic design) and i'm studying at night, so, I'm not sketching this days... but, looking at your work and all those blogs around the web, I feel that I can't stop drawing, so, i'll try to sketch something every day (15 minutes sketches if i dont have time, but i will do sketch).

See ya! You work have been very inspirational for me.

E me desculpe pelo inglês pobre (e errado, provavelmente)! hua²

Anonymous said...

Hi Douglas,

Cindy showed me your blogpage and I am just blown away. Your drawings and paintings are wonderful! I love your use of color and the life you evoke in yhour art. Your compositions are strong and bold.

I'll miss you and Cindy. I wish you both much joy and happiness back in SP and I hope to come out and visit you there and meet your new baby some time.

I mentioned to Cindy that down the raod I'd love to arrange a Painter Creativity seminar in Brasil. Would you be interested in organizing such a workshop sometime?

How's your Painter art going? Have you used Painter much since the class?

Love to you and Cindy,
